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How Much Does Sedation Dentistry Cost?

June 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — onpointfrisco @ 7:38 pm

Woman benefiting from nitrous oxideSedation dentistry is an excellent option for patients with dental fears or phobias. It’s also perfect for patients requiring dental work. However, it’s normal to have concerns about the fees for dental sedation. You don’t have to delay treatment or compromise your comfort because of price concerns. Many factors affect the cost of sedation dentistry, but you have several options to keep it affordable.

Every Situation Differs

There isn’t a flat fee for sedation dentistry because every situation is unique. Therefore, several things affect the cost, like the type used, which may include:

  • Nitrous Oxide: The inhaled sedative, better known as “laughing gas,” is among the safest and most affordable types of dental sedation.
  • Oral Conscious: Oral conscious is more cost-effective than other types of sedation, like IV sedation. The prescribed medication is taken prior to your appointment and dissipates within a few hours. 

Your dentist will create a personalized treatment plan and provide you with an estimate based on your needs.

Sedation Dentistry and Dental Insurance

Often, dental insurance classifies sedation dentistry as a luxury service; therefore, it’s not always covered. However, if dental treatment is not possible without sedation, or it is more expensive to perform a procedure with no sedation, your insurance may cover some of the expenses. 

After meeting your annual deductible, your dental insurance may pay some of the costs until reaching your yearly limit. Your dentist will work on your behalf with your dental insurance to maximize your benefits, if applicable.

Options to Keep Dental Sedation Affordable

Besides using your dental insurance, look for a dentist who offers various financial options to keep your treatment within your budget, like:

  • Loyalty Savings Programs: Certain dental practices offer in-house membership plans. Joining the program allows you to benefit from reduced rates for common dental services. This can be a great option for patients without dental insurance.
  • Dental Financing: Third-party financing is accepted at many dental practices. Based on your credit approval, you can benefit from little or no interest in financing. You can pay any out-of-pocket dental expenses using a monthly payment plan that fits your budget.

Your dentist will always keep your comfort as their top priority while helping you achieve your best smile. They will work with you to keep you comfortable using solutions that accommodate your situation and finances.

About Dr. Marco Caballeros

Dr. Caballeros achieved his dental degree at the Texas A&M Baylor College of Dentistry and has continued his education in many advanced services, including sedation dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and dental implants. He is a proud member of the Academy of General Dentistry. Request an appointment through his website or call his office at (469) 447-9656.

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